How to be Intentional in your Client Interactions


Intentional. We hear that word thrown around quite a lot lately. 

It means we are being mindful in what we do – we set an intention to help guide our actions. 

Intentional is a little different than setting a goal. If a goal is your destination, an intention is what will get you there. 

But what does being intentional mean for your business? 

More than likely you have a mission for your business. This mission statement lays out the ideals you want to embrace and invoke. Being intentional can help you fulfill your mission statement. 

Let’s say your mission is to provide services to a certain demographic, like women. Then, you would proactively seek ways to engage with that demographic.  You market to that demographic. You attend events in areas that are a high draw for that demographic. You target your social media ads to that demographic. You don’t just state that you want to help a certain demographic with your business; by being intentional, you make sure that you are doing the steps that are necessary to reach them. 

Just as I mentioned before, being intentional can be similar to being proactive. 

When you are intentional in your business, you don’t wait for the opportunities to present themselves for your business. You go out and make them

(Check out my previous blog about how being fired was the best thing that happened to me – talk about being intentional!) 

If you are planning on growing your business, you would be intentional in your growth. 

You would first decide what area or aspect of your business you want to expand. Then, you would evaluate what you need to make that happen. Do you have the tools, resources, woman power to bring it to fruition? You would create an action plan and then outline each step necessary. 

Being intentional in your business means you are looking ahead – you are beginning with the end in mind – and laying out all of those steps to help get you there. 

Does this feel overwhelming? 

Don’t let it be. 

Being intentional in your business is just one way to intuitively plan your next steps. 

And if you need help, feel free to reach out for a discovery call to see how TPO can help you be more intentional.